Implant Dentures

"Like having your natural teeth back"

What are Dental Implants?

If you are looking for a lifetime solution to dentures, dental implants / denture implants may be for you.


Many patients select dental implants to avoid common denture problems and bone loss. Dental implants have now become the standard of care for replacing missing teeth.

A dental implant is essentially an artificial tooth root. By attaching a small implant to the jaw, your dental restoration is fixed in place, much like a tooth. Like healthy teeth, dental implants can last a lifetime with success rates above 98%.

While dental implants do cost more than dentures initially, dental implants can also eliminate the need for ongoing expensive treatment to maintain dentures. Should you lose more teeth in the future, a dental implant can be used to support any dental restoration.

“I wore dentures for 3 years and always found them painful and inconvenient. You have changed my life. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for my new smile. You gave me a permanent solution to what I thought was going to be a life long problem.”


Types of Dental Implants

There are several different types of dental implants used to secure dentures including: single tooth implants, implant bridges and full mouth restorations. Dental implant restorations can also either be fixed (can only be removed in a dental office) or removable (removable by the patient). With proper planning, these implants can also be used to support other restorations down the road if more teeth are lost.

We recommend booking a FREE consultation to learn more about your options. There is no obligation to proceed and we are happy to help you in your smile journey in any way.

If you are missing one tooth, a dental implant has become the standard of care. Dental implants function like natural teeth by attaching to the bone. Dental implants can also help to maintain the health of neighbouring teeth. By using neighbouring teeth as support, dental bridges and dentures  can accelerate the loss of adjacent teeth and usually need to be replaced every 5-10 years. Dental implants can last a lifetime.

If you are missing multiple teeth, a dental bridge, dentures or a fixed bridge/implant bridge are all options. Depending on your case, a dental bridge may not be an available option. Dentures last approximately 5 years but are associated with common denture problems including damage to adjacent teeth and bone loss. With dental implants, multiple teeth can be replaced permanently without negatively impacting neighbouring teeth.

If you are missing all your teeth, a full dental arch can been supported by implants. With a fixed restoration, the palate of your denture can be cut out making it easier to speak, eat and taste your food. If you want to say goodbye to dentures dental implants may be right for your. Dental Implants for denture are often referred to as: an implant denture, denture implants, all on 4, or teeth in a day.

Options for Replacing Teeth

How Implant Dentures can impact your:


Denture Implants prevent bone loss

and help you look younger

When teeth are lost, the bone in your mouth begins to shrink. Over time, this can cause a “sunken in” appearance and wrinkles which can make you look like you’re frowning all the time.


“The loss of bone that accompanies conventional dentures leads to recession of the jawbone and a collapsed, unattractive smile.“


Over time, the loss of bone can lead to exposed nerves. Once nerves are exposed, they can rub against the denture causing a burning or tingling feeling. Once this occurs, it is very difficult to address. Prevention is always the best cure.

Denture implants have been proven to reduce bone loss and can even lead to bone growth


With dentures, your bite force is reduced by over 95% and continues to decrease over time. After 15 years with dentures, your bite force has decreased by over 99%.

Many denture patients can only eat soft foods and have great difficulties eating steak, apples, nuts, etc.

Dental Implants enable you to

eat whatever you want


Dentures may be the least expensive option, but they fall short of matching the chewing efficiency of natural teeth or dental implants.“



cover the roof of your mouth making speech more difficult.

Implant Dentures

are small and firmly attached.

Dental Implants feel like your natural teeth

of denture patients claimed they had


“Adjusting to removable dentures can mean struggling to pronounce everyday words. Not so with dental implants, which function like natural teeth.”