Is Bacteria Harmful For Your Dentures?

The longevity of your denture’s life and your self-confidence with your smile may depend on how you take care of your oral health. Creating a simple care routine that includes both professional denture cleanings and yearly checkups with your Denturist is of utmost importance. Just like natural teeth, dentures accumulate plaque, and stains and can trap bacteria between the gum line and the porous acrylic denture material itself (complete or partial dentures). This can cause an increase in cavities in remaining natural teeth, denture sores, and other oral health issues.

What is plaque? How is it harmful to your denture?

Plaque affects both natural teeth and dentures alike. Plaque is a film of colorless or white covering that adheres to the surface of dentures, or as a deposit on the natural teeth where they meet the gums. Plaque left on the teeth will mineralize over time causing a hard yellow coating called tartar. 

How does plaque affect your health?

Plaque is the sticky remanence from food particles, saliva, and a large number of bacteria. We recommend cleaning dentures after every meal. The best method to do this is to combine both soaking and brushing. Lack of a proper cleaning routine can have negative consequences on your oral health such as inflammation of the gums and other oral tissues.

Why does my denture smell bad?

If your dentures have an odour to them, it is likely caused by malodorous gases released by bacteria in your mouth mixed with plaque. Certain medications may also contribute to this issue.

Remember, to keep plaque, bacteria, and odors away, brush & soak your denture after every meal. It is also important to visit our denture clinic regularly to have your dentures professionally cleaned and high-shined. This will help prevent plaque and bacteria from sticking.





Minuk & Koster Denture Clinic is Canada’s largest Denture Clinic located in Winnipeg, Manitoba. With over 100,000+ dentures created since 1977, our team is confident that we can help you love your smile again. Minuk & Koster has denture solutions for all budgets and is here to help you understand the cost of dentures and the process of getting new dentures. Our team of denturists and expert staff are here to help you get the smile you’ve always wanted. Check out our Smile Stories and learn more about the Minuk difference by reviewing our website or calling us at 204-589-6329. Book your free consultation today!


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